Terra: State Of The Union
- Not Financial Advice, Anon intern may hold positions in things he talks about if he isn't too poor to buy them*
- Some rough notes on the Terra Ecosystem
Dear Anon,
The Lunatics have had a wild 2021 so far! The fundamentals keep getting better and there was obviously a huge price jump that brought in a lot of new Lunatics and attention to the space. With so much going on in the Terra blockchain its hard for us die hards to keep up let alone others that are not as time invested in the Terra protocol. If you dont know about LUNA yet NGMI so I will mainly discuss the other protocols, programmability, compatibility and things being built that require UST aka burning Luna.
-Started from the bottom now we here
Keeping this simple and rather low IQ, Terra has built an extremely interesting and valuable proof of concept. First we have the Luna token which backs the stable coin minting allowing for a decentralized basket of stable coins (UST,KRT etc). Currently most usage is on UST(world reserve standard) and KRT (Korean Ecom/Merchant Adoption). The simple concept here is to peg synthetic assets geographically to regions that are already accustomed those pegs. Next we have Mirror Protocol V1 which allows synthetic assets pegged to real world price (as long as there is an oracle to support this). The first target has mainly been listing U.S equities to give access to this price action to those that normally would not qualify to own the underlying equity. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. With Mirror you can earn yearly interest on your “stocks”, complete transactions via these synths as well as much more coming with Mir v2 and Mars Protocol(leveraged yield farming of mAssets most likely). Finally, we have anchor (the stripe for savings) which you can deposit into for a fixed 20% interest on UST stable coin which that for endless ideas that I wont go to into detail upon. As of now we have stables, synths and savings all super compatible and programmable with each other.
0–100 Real Quick (yes my headers are all drake lyrics)
With a solid base proof of concept, Terra now looks to build out an ecosystem at a much faster rate. Insurance for Anchor protocol coming soon which will be one of the biggest wins for the protocol. Other financial tools are being built such as MARS (Leveraged yield farming mAssets, more assets as collateral), SPAR (Asset Management) Nebula (ETFS) as well as Pylon which builds on top of Anchor. As we can see ANC,MIR,UST give the community epic building blocks to work with from here. As Terra expands it can use the IBC (internet of block chains) that essentially communicates through different branded shards (chains). I may need to write a separate piece on the IBC itself but going to keep it top level. As anchor grows it could be moved to its own branded local chain that interacts with the global state (shards communicate with the main hub) which means Anchor/Mirror can live outside of the Terra Chain (hint hint eth sol dot). The most interesting part of Terra to me personally is seeing how Anchor protocol scales to be able to take more and more assets as collateral and deposits. As Do states “if one fintech adapts then its commercial suicide not to for everyone else.” The bar has been set 20% fixed is the standard IMO. Watch anchor be integrated all over.